PSN resolver is an IP resolver designed to resolve PSN Gamertags and find IP addresses of players on PSN Network.In other words. It resolves the IP address and converts the IP to it’s relevant gamer tag and vice versa. This functions in the same way as DNS does, with each domain having its IP address translated by the internet browser.
There is a requirement for a central database server with all of the PSN usernames access in the PSN resolver. However, Sony does not allow others to access this sensitive information from the database. As a result, some Gamertags are unable to resolve. But with the help of two developers they have already created their own database with millions of gamertags for easy to use resolution.
In this circumstance, the ARP spoofing technique comes in handy because any gamer can sniff the data packets transferred across their network. For example, one may pick up the IP address of a live PlayStation gamer by intercepting traffic from PSN Network by using tools such as Lanc PCPS or Octosniff. It may include ISP information such as the gamer’s IP address, country, and city.
There are many things you can do with PSN resolver, but the following are some of the more obvious and intriguing aspects.
PSN Resolver Features
- Find PSN Gamertag IPs in mere seconds
- Boot the IP offline
- Kick People from Party Chats
- Pull IPs in real time or Online
- Easy to use Graphic Interface
- Extract GEO location
An PSN resolver can be used online which will extract data stored on the database for a quick and easy resolve. It’s much faster to check but there might be a chance where the IP won’t be listed. If not, then proceed with the offline installation.
The offline PSN resolver is an install-able IP pulling software that will resolve Gamertags in game sessions and party chats in real time. Meaning, this is LIVE!
PSN Resolver Online (IP database)
Using the PSN resolver online is easy to use and most people opts to take advantage of it. Currently there are only two databases to access online, called Xresolver and PCPS Search.
- Xresolver (Created by Octolus Development)
- PCPS Search (Created by Psycho Coding)
Simply submit the gamertag in query and you will instantly receive the IP address.
PSN Resolver Offline (Real Time Decryption)
The offline PSN Resolver uses ARP spoofing to intercept and capture network traffic in real time. Play any game and load up the resolver and you can pull people’s gamertags and IPs.
For the install-able PSN resolver to work on your Windows 10 PC. You will need to install the following requirements.
- .Net Framework 4.5.2
- C++ Redistributable Package 2010
- NmapPcap
- Win10PCap
- Stable Internet Connection
Now install one of the below IP pullers to resolve PSN gamertags. Lanc Remastered PCPS or Octosniff.
How to pUll IPs using Free PSN resolver
After the installation of the required software, you need to download PCPS, double click the application to launch and follow the instructions below or view our tutorial on how to use LANC Remastered PCPS.
Configuring Lanc PCPS Without VPN
Now click on Advanced mode and configure your settings.
- Select your Network Adapter
- Check “on” ARP spoofing
- Select your Router IP
- Select your Xbox/Playstation IP
- Check “on” Preset
- Start monitoring Traffic
Setup with VPn
Connect your computer to your VPN before launching PCPS. If you need one read our recommended best VPN for Playstation. Then configure your LANC as shown below or view the screenshot.
- Select your network adapter
- Check “off” Preset
- Start Monitoring Traffic
Alternatively, you can also use the paid software Octosniff to pull IPs on PSN.
FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
PSN resolver are the tools that convert the PSN and PlayStation player usernames to IP address and also from IP address to username as well. It works on the same principle as the DNS where each domain is running on a specific IP address that translated by the internet browser.
Yes, PSN resolver is the only working resolver on the market and is very real. Simply submit a Username into the database and you will instantly receive an IP address.
No, PSN resolver is an online website that offers a service to resolve Gamertags.
Yes and No. You can reverse lookup a Gamertag to IP but not Gamertag to a Person’s name or telephone number. If you befriend someone you can lookup their account information which may include their email address.
Yes, A PSN IP address resolver is a tool that provides you the IP address of a user provided you know his Gamertag/Username. This method is one of the easiest methods you can use to get the IP address of PlayStation Gamers.
The IP Address Xresolver provide is called a Public IPv4. This IP is automatically logged on absolutely every website & internet service you connect to, even a VPN! The software that got your IP in the first place is Octosniff and then used to populate Xresolver’s database.
Your PSN Gamertag/Username IP is your public IP address given by your ISP. To find someones IP you need to use PSN IP resolver or PCPS IP puller.
No, in terms of collection of IPv4 its not illegal as its public information. However what users do with the IP addresses can lead to illegal activity.